Wednesday Mar 03, 2021

From the Front Lines to CEO: How this Leader Leveraged his Experience w/ Paul Katzoff Ep#92

Paul Katzoff is the CEO of WhiteCanyon Software, the premier provider of data erasure software for SSD, Hard Drive, & Mobile Device platforms to global organizations of all sizes. Paul originally started at the company in a Tech Support role, before coming the Manager of Tech Support and eventually switching to Sales. After a two-year hiatus from the company, Paul rejoined as the CEO. On this episode of the Strategy & Leadership Podcast, Paul joins us to discuss how his perspective changed at different levels of the company, his process for sharing expertise and personal development, and much more. Here's a breakdown of our conversation: - How his perspective changed from the bottom, to the top, & in-between - How his changing roles & relationships with customers impacted the strategy - His process for sharing expertise with the team - How he continues to develop his own capabilities as CEO Get our FREE Strategic Planning Workbook template here:…mplate-workbook Enroll in our strategic planning course to learn our process for creating a strategic plan successfully (without hiring anyone):…ng-steps-course Are you looking for someone to facilitate your strategic planning process? Book a complimentary consultation to learn more about our approach: Want a software to track & monitor your strategic plan? Get a free trial for Cascade Strategy: // WEBSITE & RESOURCES: Website ► Blog ► Strategy & Leadership Podcast ► Alignment Book ► Contact ► // FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook ► LinkedIn ► Instagram ► Twitter ► // ABOUT SME STRATEGY CONSULTING: SME Strategy is a management consulting firm that specializes in helping organizations develop and implement their strategic plans. We work with teams to facilitate conversations about strategic direction and business strategy so that our clients can focus their energy on what will move them forward faster. Based out of Vancouver, BC, we've worked with organizations all over North American and beyond in various industries including nonprofits, universities & government organizations. #StrategicPlanningProcess #StrategyDevelopment

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