Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Using Strategy to Build Long Term Resilience - w/ David Yetman ep#89
David Yetman is an award-winning business development specialist who works directly with organizations to help them grow and become resilient. David has his own consultancy called Yetman Consulting where he helps businesses create resilience and margin to ensure they're thriving in the long term. He is also studying business resilience at Harvard University. On this episode of the Strategy & Leadership Podcast, David joins us to discuss how to make yourself and your business more resilient moving forward, what he sees many businesses struggling with, how to fix your business model, and much more. Is your non-profit organization in need of a facilitated strategic planning session, but lacking the resources to pay the full industry price for these services? As part of our corporate giving back program for 2021, we're offering our full strategic planning services to 5 nonprofits at a heavily subsidized rate. Apply here: https://www.smestrategy.net/discounted-nonprofit-strategic-planning-facilitation Get our FREE Strategic Planning Workbook template here: www.smestrategy.net/strategic-plann…mplate-workbook Enroll in our strategic planning course to learn our process for creating a strategic plan successfully (without hiring anyone): www.smestrategy.net/strategic-plann…ng-steps-course Are you looking for someone to facilitate your strategic planning process? Book a complimentary consultation to learn more about our approach: www.smestrategy.net/contact Want a software to track & monitor your strategic plan? Get a free trial for Cascade Strategy: go.executestrategy.net/trial?fpr=smestrategy // WEBSITE & RESOURCES: Website ► www.smestrategy.net/ Blog ► www.smestrategy.net/blog Strategy & Leadership Podcast ►www.smestrategy.net/podcast Alignment Book ► www.smestrategy.net/alignment-book Contact ►www.smestrategy.net/contact // FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook ► www.facebook.com/Smestrategy/ LinkedIn ► www.linkedin.com/company/2866558 Instagram ► www.instagram.com/anthonyctaylor/ Twitter ►twitter.com/smeinsights // ABOUT SME STRATEGY CONSULTING: SME Strategy is a management consulting firm that specializes in helping organizations develop and implement their strategic plans. We work with teams to facilitate conversations about strategic direction and business strategy so that our clients can focus their energy on what will move them forward faster. Based out of Vancouver, BC, we've worked with organizations all over North American and beyond in various industries including nonprofits, universities & government organizations. #StrategicPlanningProcess #StrategyDevelopment